The Willow

The Willow
A cold shadow standing firm. A sad skeleton on the surface, but holding a promise of hope, deep within. Swaying in the icy wind, embracing the torment of the storm and season all to bring forth life and beauty. Unashamed of its own lack of color, praise, and admiration, it dutifully stands fast fulfilling its purpose. A quiet passionate promise.
- Shy Willow

Monday, November 17, 2014

Book Notes 11/17/14

I'd like to introduce you briefly to my main character. There is not a lot of sensual in it but it gives you a glimpse of the character who will be steaming up my posts soon. No, this bit is not edited I am in the Run-like-the-wind phase where I write like mad. 

For those who are concerned, yes I am on a hyphen kick, and yes I promise it won't last long. 

I hope you enjoy meeting Andrea and her bestie Brenda.

“Andy, don’t you know you aren’t actually supposed to read when you come to the library?” Brenda said with a flirting wink.
“You are kidding! I thought for sure with all of these books around reading was an excellent idea.” Brenda’s book signing has cheered her back up. It has been a wonderful thing to see her light up with flair and glow again after the mediocre review and her struggles with the new novel. Interacting with the reader’s who have come to get their copy signed has warmed her up and breathed life back into her beautiful body. She could just as well have been a model as a writer. The flirts and pick-up lines she is receiving are certainly bringing a bright pink color to her perfect cheek bones. I do not particularly care for the crowd but am here to support Brenda and the discomfort is well worth the benefit of seeing her happy again.
“No darling you are supposed to be looking for that other nerdy book reader that makes your little heart go pitter-patter a bit faster than normal” she said with mock sincerity.
“How could I possibly be looking at the men type with I have right next to me a stunning female specimen who also writes?”
“Andy I know very well you are not into women! I am flattered but really I am worried about you, you haven’t been on a single date that I know of since we’ve met.”
Her voice no longer was carried with teasing and biting words, but with worry and compassion. “Look Brenda, nothing to worry about. I am sure one of these decades Mr. Millionaire will waltz into my life carrying with him jewels, gold and an original print of several of my favorite authors books and it will be love at first sight” I laughed in a menacing voice.
“You are not that shallow, and only you would mention old books in the same sentence you mention romance” she rolled her eyes at the same time.
“What can I say Brenda I am hard to please.”
“You are not hard to please you are hiding behind your books and your job.”
“Who are you and what did you do with my fun drunken-sarcastic author friend?” I sighed.
“Sweetheart, I am worried about you. You are the best friend a gal can have and I am certain you are an amazing counselor. I have no doubt at all that you would make someone an amazing girlfriend. I don’t understand why you don’t open yourself up to meet someone.”
I really have no idea what has gotten into her. This of course is not the first time, or even the one hundredth time for that matter, that she has brought up my being single. Typically it is not with this much fire behind it. “I don’t know Brenda maybe I am just too picky about who I date” I said trying to get off the topic.
“You deserve to be picky, but you can’t be picky if you don’t even try to begin with.”
“I know Brenda. You have company coming.” With that the topic was at least on pause for the time being. She went to work discussing authors, books, genre’s, hair products and her own personal muses. I curled my feet underneath of me and went back to my book. I like to pick up a new genre every few days to keep things interesting. I read five to seven books at a time each with a different genre. Right now I am working my way through a book I had already read but wanted a refresher on. Not only that but I knew I could get through it in the 4 hours I would sit through Brenda’s book signing session. I love the conversation between her and her adoring fans. Even more so I enjoy looking up and seeing her so happy.
- Shy Willow

NaNoWriMo 2014

Breaking the 25,000 word count goal was very rewarding and encouraging at the same time. It is interesting to share bits of your story with another person. I find I often get these looks which question whether I am telling a story or actually sharing a real life bit of information from some new friend.  

My main characters have outlined their way towards the main excitement and also major controversy of the story. It is hard to sit down and not have hundreds of words pour out. Reading bits and pieces here and there I find that some authors enjoy this portion of the writing, while others thing it completely wrong to like. I can be certain that my editing process is going to be interesting as this is one of the roughest rough drafts I have created. In the end I am enjoying the process.

Here is another installation in the life of my characters. Please keep in mind that it is rough, unedited, and my personal work. I hope you enjoy this little piece, I will have another exert soon.

“Wait a minute!” she said very forcefully.
“Whats wrong?” I asked.
“Andy there is something you are hiding from me I could see it on your face just now. What is it, why aren’t you dating, tell me the truth!”
“Oh I don’t know perhaps my lunch is not agreeing with me.” I said meekly, yup I am done for.
“Andrea tell me.”
“Look Brenda it is not anything that really matters much. Everyone has past experiences that make them cautious to certain things right? I mean you had a very bad experience with loose leaf paper if I remember right, much larger mess than past novels.”
“Stop trying to avoid this you owe me an explanation. Don’t you trust me?”
“Thats not fair Brenda I trust you, its just one of those things that is hard to explain OK? It is a mixture of those whips and chains that you tease me about with some added drama and heart break.”
“Andy?” she said the closest to tears I have ever seen her except for when she got the review and she was in hot mad tears.
“Look, I had a boyfriend, a Dom that I was with for awhile before I moved here. We had been together for a long time. We had a great relationship for the most part. One day I got home and he was in a more aggressive mood than normal, which was something I had seen developing in him over several weeks. I thought it was my fault. Anyways, we did our normal routine but he was very agitated so I tried to comfort him. I only made him angrier. By the time he was done,” I paused to compose myself no other person had ever heard this about me. “I couldn’t see to drive myself to the hospital. He got up and I called for an ambulance. My face was swollen, I had a fractured arm, a few broken ribs and a destroyed sense of self. I moved out while he sat in jail. I then made plans to disappear and moved here to do so.” I continued to work while I spoke. I knew if I looked at her react I would just get upset. I however, had no idea that Kim had walked up behind us. So when she grabbed me from behind to hug me I gasped and cringed.

“It’s just me honey” she said softly.
-Shy Willow

Friday, November 7, 2014


Surely I am glad I am not friends with myself, it must be tough to put up with a writer. 

I am enjoying the time writing the novel. Watching the characters in this piece develop has been a fabulous lost-in-imagination playground.  I have found I finally got to a point where my creative juices have become a bit taxed, but that gave me time to catch up to my outline a bit and fill out some scenes that I have been pondering for several days. 

When I get a bit word jammed I read. Another article that I ran across on my net-article-surfing-break was about being married to a writer. It made me giggle so I thought perhaps I'd pass it along.
- Shy Willow

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Incredible Sex Tips

I have been enjoying the Novel in a month writing challenge from NaNoWriMo. I have really liked the out pouring of creativity and the focus the challenge is affording me.

I have found that on occasion I need a break from brain storming and writing out the opinions of my characters. Yesterday I went on an internet article reading spree. These sprees generally end in the most interesting of places and never result in the same sort of information. After roaming around the cyber highways of distraction I came across Sofeminine and their article about vintage sex tips. I got a good laugh out of several of the tips and hints, and feel as though all women should read this article, pick up some great tools of the trade, and then count their lucky stars that society has progressed.

The novel has gained a few new characters which I will be introducing here very soon. 
- Shy Willow