The Willow

The Willow
A cold shadow standing firm. A sad skeleton on the surface, but holding a promise of hope, deep within. Swaying in the icy wind, embracing the torment of the storm and season all to bring forth life and beauty. Unashamed of its own lack of color, praise, and admiration, it dutifully stands fast fulfilling its purpose. A quiet passionate promise.
- Shy Willow

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

A Moment

There was a moment there when the world was gone....

A moment, when, I am quite sure my body no longer needed to breathe. 

I heard nothing.

Not a single fragrance was allowed to rouse my senses.

Not even touch registered in the tide that washed over my body while I was yet frozen, unable to move, unable to flinch... could I blink? 

This sensation was like nothing that a person experiences on a daily or yearly basis. Perhaps something like adrenaline. Pure energy, so strong, so overwhelming, like a magnet, yet somehow dangerous... somehow like that vacuum of oxygen before a large flame of fire. 

A single amazing moment.

~Shy Willow